Picture of one of the physical prototype of our guerrilla marketing campaign Plasticful Foods.
Plasticful Food is a speculative design project which draws attention to the amount of micro-plastic people are incidentally eating on a daily basis. The issue of micro-plastic itself is a waste management problem. Therefore, by drawing attention to the personal problem of micro-plastic consumption (which leads to negative health side-effects that scientists are only now beginning to research and understand), we hope to decrease the psychological distance between the global problem and the audiences everyday behaviours. This invites audiences to imagine the undesirable possible future of waste management, which provokes critical thought and sparks the debate about our topic. Our Plasticful Food products utilise believable branding and marketing strategies, to suggest to the audience that these are real products. This creates shock, curiosity and/or discomfort among the audience, which provokes them to look further into our topic.
Plasticful Foods is a speculative design project, in partnership with the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and Hogeschool Amsterdam (HvA), aimed at challenging people’s waste management behaviours. This project has been selected to exhibit at Milan Design Week 2020, with Isola Design District.
The Plasticful Foods project has captured the curiosity of many people since it’s launch.
As such, we have been published in multiple locations, which you can browse below:
HvaNa,Black Mirror At The HvA: Will We Soon Eat Plastic To Save The World?
Folia, Plastic Burgers in UvA Ask Attention for Plastic Problem.
Speculative Futures Amsterdam, Made by A Team at DSS Amsterdam.
Digital Society School, Will We Soon Start Eating Plastic To Save The World?